Saturday, December 27, 2008

Feilouship of the bimbos

Hehehe.... thetas a very very impressive name for a blog being worked on by 5 members, with one of them at goodness knows where (the person who haven't accepted kean lee's invitation. And you know who you are..XD) Faster accept la chilakak....

No no, I'm not stressed out. It just feels like it's not..... complete. The feilouship izzent a feilouship at all with you missing. Its like a pizza without the cheese... or a coke without the fizz.

Don't say I suck in my spelling cos that's the way we spelt it. Feilouship. I know how to spell, goddammu.



i love thy blog, bimbos XD

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Maths like me... not

I don't like Maths and thus, Maths dislike me too.

I had a quite a row with Maths 2 nights ago during a lecture.

Here's the scene:
Question: In 1cm, there are 10000 slits. So how many slits are there in 1m??
(Simple, the answer is 10k x 100= 1000k slits. But nooooo.... my brain decided to
rebel and it became like this...)

Chibixes: 10000 DIVIDED by 100 = 100 slits

wtfucuk... im doomed for my exams in Jan. It will be a mirical if I even manage to get a bloody Pass....

I'm tired and im going off now....kachowzz...bless my brain, its getting older, no??

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Omigosh... this blog looks so emo-ey... and I cant have that. Well, maybe I should go for pink, cos my friend told me recently that pink is the new black. Well, thats good izzennit?? I made this blog for my own personnal light reading, but all I seem to do is to rant here.

Maybe it's time for a change. Change is good right?? A revolution is a change, no? So i will revolutionise my blog. But it seems that black is the only suitable colour right now. Goddammit...Im so fickle minded.......

When can I ever make up my mind for good. As soon as I made up my mind, a better option came. Should i ignore the better option? or to pick the better one??? Blast it, and I have wasted another 5 minutes pondering about something so insignificant...

I should start taking up time- management courses...Heh...doubt it will ever work for me. If it does, pigs will start to fly.So the probability is close to zero. and I mean ZERO!!!

Probability...proBABIlity....probaOINKlity!!! hahahaha.... if it will ever work

Nights........ there's something wrong with my laptop ;(

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Life has certainly been more complex now. I seem to have traded some of my childishness for a little mature- ness just to be approved and be accepted by some people. Those simple pleasures I used to enjoy does not seem very pleasurable to me right now. The simpleness of these Simple Pleasures are the uniqeness of these pleasures.

I used to have countless of Simple Pleasures those days. I used to collect Mickey Mouse stickers and stick them on the other side of the cupboard. Lots of cut out pictures from mags about Japanese stuff and anime are hoarded in my little secret place. And i love to eat the Mat Kool ice- cream which goes pop in your mouth when u lick it.

I paid a heavy price for trading in my Simple Pleasures for the unwanted matured-ness which I now have a little in me.

Maybe I should go out and buy the Traffic Light ice- cream and start collecting those useless sticks just for the sake of my childishness.... me likey ice- cream afterall....

Results Are Out And I'm Awaaaaayy

WOOOooooaaaaaAAAAAhhhhhHHHHH........ 3.80....tats my PNGS score.... Not as great as the Perfect Four, but i can certainly live up to it. Well, Hamtaro got the Perfect 4, so gratz to him.... =) well, im certainly looking forward to go back home and retrieve my much awaited jogoya trip at Bukit Bintang.

To those who think, stupid girl, didnt get 4 flat or 'so what?? its only 3.8.. my mom/dad/sis/bro/cousin/frens/pet dog results are way way way better than yours'. So what??? I DONT GIVE A FREAKIN' DAYMN BOUT IT!!! dont go wasting your time breaking me.... cos i wont. im flexible...heh..

now im going to take a break for the exams had drainedth my energy, zappedth my fun.....
rejuvinating now...chowz